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Black Excellence
Equity Alicia Belton Equity Alicia Belton

Black Excellence

We are celebrating Black History Month at UDP by highlighting African American women leaders who inspire us! They have used their gifts within institutions of higher education, corporate foundations, government and non-profit organizations. With grace, integrity and wisdom, these women have led with the mindset of advancing the collective experience for all.

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The Hope of Legacy
Equity, Environment Alicia Belton Equity, Environment Alicia Belton

The Hope of Legacy

As I reflect on this past year, it has been one of tremendous growth and celebration. Moving our practice into a 100 plus year building that was once set afire from the uprisings in 2020 and now listed in the National Registry of Historic Places is truly a testament of beauty from ashes. 

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When We Vote
Equity, Environment, UNSEEN Alicia Belton Equity, Environment, UNSEEN Alicia Belton

When We Vote

Does voting really matter?  It is how we make our choices evident in a way that can bring clarity and light. Done in exploration, collaboration and sound judgment with a posture of thinking about others, we can collectively create places of belonging for all.

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