Designing wellness in the world.©
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S.H.A.K.E. Gala and Juneteenth to Remember
It’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks celebrating the opening of the Historic Coliseum Building. For me, it has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding projects of my career. I am so incredibly grateful for the support from our funders, sponsors, design and construction team as we have collectively remade the Coliseum into a community asset and example of what's possible.

Soul of the Southside

A Year of Reflection
As we begin wrapping up 2019, our firm is taking time to reflect on the goals we set out to achieve and recognize where we still have room to grow. This year Urban Design Perspectives actively maintained a list of goals which aligned with who we are and who we would like to become.

SHAKE December Invite
During this holiday season, Common Sense Consulting and Urban Design Perspectives invite you to our on-line children’s book and/or baby items donation from December 12 – 25. Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery is a trusted resource for families in their time of crisis.

Making Change — A Celebration of Women In Leadership
The month of September has been focused on celebrating women in leadership. SHAKE which stands for Service, Honesty, Adaptability, Kindness and Experience is the standard which Urban Design Perspectives stands by in our practice.
A Look Back As We Move Forward To Celebrate a Common Purpose
As we reflect on CommonSense Consulting’s 10th and Urban Design Perspectives’ 20th anniversaries in business, we are excited to announce the launch of Common Perspectives blog. To mark this occasion, we knew that it was more than just celebrating our success.

Celebrating a Common Perspective — Its Global Handwashing Day
Today marks the 10th year of a global advocacy day dedicated to washing our hands with soap. This simple act helps to prevent disease and save lives. As part of our pay it forward giving campaign, we packed 41 care packages for the homeless.