A community that excludes even one member is no community at all.
— Sevenly.org

Separate is not equal with redlining.

A just distribution of resources.

We need, in every community, a group of angelic disrupters to keep the spark moving toward inclusivity for all. Equitable outcomes are a choice. When we create and support a platform for change for the common good, the process of design has a lens that values all perspectives.
Our equity work is woven throughout the duration of a project. From the initial concept to final completion, we include a diverse collective of voices. As projects move toward design and building, our team is comprised of consultants, suppliers and workers who value and understand that their expertise, skill set, products and labor are an essential and vital component of the work process. The final outcome of the project will reflect spaces and buildings that have both cultural context and accessibility for all.
Designing wellness in the world.©
Learn about our other focuses: Environment and Economic Impact .