Celebrating a Common Perspective — Its Global Handwashing Day

Global Handwashing Day logo

Today marks the 10th year of a global advocacy day dedicated to washing our hands with soap. This simple act helps to prevent disease and save lives. As part of our pay it forward giving campaign, we packed 41 care packages for the homeless. Colorful reusable bags included gloves, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes and an edible treat. Each included a handcrafted card stating, “God’s plans for your life exceed the circumstances of your day” and “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.”

We are grateful for the time and in-kind donations from Brookdale Dental, Annie, a vendor, our family, friends and community of clients and colleagues. We continue to be thankful for your generosity.

It is amazing to see what happens when you intentionally share like our care packages. Intentional sharing is something we value and practice in our workplace and with our clients. As small firms, we are hands-on throughout the duration of projects. We communicate truth with kindness as we lead project teams, design plans and manage systems changes and processes. We are able to successfully integrate information and relationships to achieve the best outcomes. Our clients tell us that our passion for getting their work done in an efficient way and our ability to integrate differentiate us from others.

UDP and Common Sense Consulting logos

We will use this compliment as we develop our 2019 and beyond initiatives. Join us as we continue our journey by attending one of our upcoming events.


SHAKE EVENTS | Service | Honesty | Adaptability | Kindness | Experience

December 1-15, 2018   | On-Line Book Drive

Donate books, Amazon or Target gift cards to a local school

January 2019 | Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity Home Dedication

A welcome home celebration for a family’s new home

If you would like to learn more, visit www.globalhandwashing.org


Janice Downing, President | Common Sense Consulting

Alicia Belton, Principal | Urban Design Perspectives


A Look Back As We Move Forward To Celebrate a Common Purpose