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Vote for UROC + CampSEE in the AIA Film Challenge

#UNSEEN: Camp, Class and Conferences in the time of COVID

In physics, a force (F=m*a) is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object. As we are immersed in quarantine, we are seeing the power of collaboration that is changing lives.

As many start the new year with making resolutions, it is our intention to not make any checklists. The drawback with lists is that there will always be something left undone and one is left with a feeling of not doing enough.

A Year of Reflection
As we begin wrapping up 2019, our firm is taking time to reflect on the goals we set out to achieve and recognize where we still have room to grow. This year Urban Design Perspectives actively maintained a list of goals which aligned with who we are and who we would like to become.

BEING PRESENT — 466 And Counting
Being Present, 466 and counting…that’s the number of African American women licensed architects in the US. Startling numbers yes, but so much promise for the future.

Making Sustainable Impacts — A Boomerang Effect
We are honored to have been selected to exhibit our work at SAY IT LOUD – A’19 Pavilion of the American Institute of Architects A’19 Convention from June 6-8. The Urban Research and Outreach EngagementCenter (UROC) is featured on the website in the People’s Choice survey. Please vote for UROC here!