Designing wellness in the world.©
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A Special Day
Activism for Community Voice
Rekindling Passion
Aligning Equity - Our Trip to AIS Headquarters
What is your impact?
Vote for UROC + CampSEE in the AIA Film Challenge
Big Ideas
#whereintheworld Restoration
Celebrating Earth Day
#whereintheworld Breaking Barriers
Designing Beyond Borders: Nordic City Solutions Hackathon
#UNSEEN: Camp, Class and Conferences in the time of COVID
#Un(for)seen Changes
Designing For Wellness
#UNSEEN — What’s up with the MARGINS?
The margins is our design philosophy in how we approach our work. Yes, it’s a place to record and recall important facts and ideas, but we also view it as a place that sparks creativity.
2020 Seed Grant Award
We are honored to be one of the 35 Community Clean Energy Projects for the 2020 Seed Grant Award in Minnesota.
#UNSEEN Climate Change
We are bearing witness to the brokenness of our climate. Webster defines climate as follows…
In physics, a force (F=m*a) is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object. As we are immersed in quarantine, we are seeing the power of collaboration that is changing lives.
Urban Design Perspectives Celebrates: Earth Day 2020
Join our Virtual Book Club! Urban Design Perspectives would like to welcome you to celebrate Earth Day with us by participating in a virtual book club discussion.